Vicenza is an italian city counting 112.198 inhabitants, district capital of the same town in Veneto, fourth to Venice, Verona and Padua in terms of population and fifth for population density.
The urban area of Vicenza counts a hinterland of around 255.000 inhabitants. It is well known as a cultural tourism destination, both on a national and an international level, popular as “the city of Palladio”, from the name of the architect responsible for many late Renaissance works, considered as an immense heritage and protected by the UNESCO program.
Vicenza is also an important business center, relying on a high per- capita income it affirms itself as the core of a district characterised by medium- sized companies. Production wise the district holds the third place in terms of export business, especially in key sectors like engineering, textiles and gold industry. The importance of gold industry defines Vicenza as the jewelry capital of Italy.